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Larry Page dilahirkan di Lan?

Lawrence Edward Page (ur. ?

Penny Farthing Records was a British independent record label, established in 1969 by the British record producer Larry Page as a progression from his mildly successful 1960s record label, Page One Records. [10] Southworth é uma cientista pesquisadora e irmã da atriz e modelo norte-americana Carrie Southworth. Larry Page est né dans une famille juive à East Lansing, au Michigan, aux États-Unis, le 26 mars 1973 Il est le fils de deux professeurs d’université : Gloria Weinstein (1944-), professeure de programmation à l’Université du Michigan, et Carl V. 로렌스 에드워드 '래리' 페이지 [1] (영어: Lawrence Edward "Larry" Page, 1973년 3월 26일 ~)는 미국의 기업인이자 세르게이 브린과 함께 구글의 공동 창업자인 컴퓨터 과학자이다. Lawrence "Larry" Page [1] (lindur më 26 mars, 1973) është një Shkencëtar kompjuterik dhe "shpikës në internet" amerikan i cili, me Sergey Brin, janë të njohur si bashkë-themelues të Google. de100 percent correct crossword clue Page perusti yhdessä Sergei Brinin kanssa Google Inc. Lawrence Edward "Larry" Page, född 26 mars 1973 i East Lansing, Michigan, är en amerikansk IT-entreprenör och datavetare som tillsammans med Sergey Brin utvecklade sökmotorn Google och startade företaget Google samt är VD för Googles moderbolag, Alphabet Inc. 截至2014年8月12 … Lawrence Edward Page (Lansing, SAD, 26) - američki informatičar i poduzetnik. ” She created the character as part of a church performance prior to her role on the show. Yeye ni afisa mkuu na mtendaji mkuu wa Google. andrew mccollum facebook founder Poole is the current President and former … January 2007: largely in response to the ongoing controversy on Wikipedia's Talk pages about Wikipedia's origins, Manning Bartlett, a very active early contributor to Wikipedia wrote on the Talk page of "History of Wikipedia" article: "Frankly - to assert that Larry was not a co-founder of the Pedia is patently absurd. [1]Sultan's books include Evidence (1977) with Mike Mandel, Pictures From Home (1992) and The Valley (2004). The Verge: "Larry Page is quietly amassing a 'flying car' empire" (19 July 2018) Page has long been reclusive, a computer scientist who pondered technical problems away from the public eye, preferring to chase moonshots over magazine covers. [1] [2] He is the first outsider to run GE in the company's 126-year history. [3] During his career, King conducted over … Ο Λάρρυ Πέιτζ. walmart absence report Larry Page (born Leonard Davies, 9 Nov 1936, Hayes, Middlesex, England - died 19 April 2024) was an English former pop singer and record producer of the late 1950s and 1960s. ….

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